Quick questions jotted down as part of our cabin retreat planning activities. What are currently some fundamental questions in your life?
- how can art move a life?
- what is the value of attention and observation? how can we be good witnesses?
- what does it mean to create something?
- is there a way to increase serendipitous happenings?
- what can we learn from others? what must we experience for ourselves?
- what objects and ideas are our identities tethered to?
- what does it mean to live together?
- how do words help or hinder us?
- what other worlds can we build with conceptual metaphors?
- where does permission come from? to feel, express, and do
- what is the balance between observation and sharing?
- when does reflection become too much?
- are there any shoulds? what are they?
- what makes a decision hard? what makes a decision good?
- where does technology grant us more agency?
- what is creativity? where do computers fit in?
- what does digital identity mean?
- what is my relationship with technology? is technology necessary?
- what stories/narratives have I rewritten about my past? what is the role of memory in identity?
- what do I know to be true? what does it mean to be true to me?
- what am I afraid of right now?
- what do I like about being alone?
- why do I want more? what do I want more of
- what would my life be like if my actions aligned with what I say I value?